Presencing Video Course
Abide in the Vine
Service Description
Before the Fall, Adam and Eve walked with God in the cool of the day. They were naked and not ashamed. After the Fall, things were completely different. Sin had entered the world, and they became conscious of themselves and their inadequacies. They were now aware of their nakedness and hid themselves from God’s Prescence. God, of course, knew where they were the whole time. He knows everything. This is the typical reaction of most of us when we think about God. We think that we need to hide ourselves from Him. We project a preconceived reaction upon Him. We think that He is angry with us because of the “wrongs” that we have done. Our sin nature, which has allowed us to commit sins or do wrong things, is what separates us from God. He has instilled a gyroscope-like mechanism in every one of us, drawing us to know Him. We have an inborn awareness of Him whether we know it or not. This causes us to feel wrong about the things that we do. But it is His love that is constantly drawing us to Him. When we open our eyes to Him, and we see Him, His love, forgiveness, and grace. We see the need to ask forgiveness as we draw near to Him. He forgives, and we become His child forever. Even a droplet of the reality and truth of His love will produce beads of faith that flow into the reality of feeling His Presence. You can seek His Presence, His face, and His love. We’ll show you how.